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Biofilm, CDB and Vitamin C
A method has been established that shows promise of being effective in removing significant masses of biofilm that encapsulate large quantities of the “cross-domain bacteria” (CDB) as they have been identified and designated by this researcher. This method applies to oral cavities only and it is simple to investigate as to its efficacy. The identification of the CDB has been confirmed by microscopy; one unique feature of this organism is the frequent co-linear arrangement of the bacteria within an encasing filament. The various stages of growth of this life form have been documented extensively on this site, and a progression of development is understood. The term “Morgellons” as popularly used, is insufficient to characterize both the uniqueness of the life form and its ubiquity in the environment. The term “cross-domain bacteria” (i.e., CDB) has been established as being intrinsic to the origin of the life form; attention has been called to the the fact that the scientific nomenclature for this ‘new biology’ remains woefully inadequate. Any perception that this so-called “condition” is restricted to the human species is false; planetary consequences are before us. Please refer to earlier discussions that elevate the seriousness of this need for increased participation by the scientific and health communities.
This is a discussion about measurements recently taken with a calibrated photometer that measure the reduction in intensity of sunlight that occurs as a direct result of heavy aerosol operations. These measurements expose a rapid reduction in the transmission of sunlight coinciding with photographs presented on this page that show the aircraft aerosol trails systematically increasing the extent of the aerosol bank.
Interesting to note, is that rather than reducing the temperature of the earth and lower atmosphere, the aerosol operations commonly have the opposite effect of increasing temperature and aggravating, if not inducing drought conditions. This is a result of a combination of factors, including the specific heats of the elements involved as well as the hygroscopic properties of the aerosols. Physical and chemical analysis of the aerosol dynamics will lead to the expected observations of increased temperature, decreased moisture and an increase in winds.
This work contains fiber samples collected and more pictures of fiber samples that were sent to Carnicom from a witness in Joseph, Oregon on October 2, 2000. These samples are identical in both appearance and characteristic to those discussed in previous Carnicom papers. All four samples collected so far have been reviewed under a microscope, and these new samples are identical to those that were sent to the US EPA. These samples have been found to contain significant biological components.
This letter from the United States Air Force continues a string of the denials of aerosol spraying programs that have been witnessed by many and upon which numerous tests have been performed proving such programs. The claim by this member of Congress who wrote this letter claims as usual that the spray lines observed and researched are simply ‘contrails’, despite proof to the contrary.
Environmental Filament Project : Metals Testing Laboratory Report
Environmental Filament, Project: Metals Testing Laboratory Report by Clifford E Carnicorn Aug 21 2017 A unique form of “environmental filament”… Read more
A comprehensive briefing package on the aerosol issue containing photographs, testimonies, research references and petitions for congressional action on this issue was hand delivered by a prominent media person to Congressional Representative Thomas Udall of New Mexico on September 2, 1999. After no response for evaluation was received back by late November 1999, second and third letters were sent asking for a reply from Representative Udall. Mr. Udall finally sent a form letter back in March of 2000 to the deliverer of the material, stating that he had made a request for Congress to hold hearings on this matter. A spokesman for Representative Udall later stated no such request had been made to Congress by Representative Udall.
This paper discusses the aims and missions of the US EPA with respect to protecting human health and safeguarding the natural environment. The US code covers the establishment of standards for aircraft engine emissions, mitigating international effects of air pollution by the US and other countries, the need for public notification in the event of known hazards and pollution, and the prevention and remedying of the impairment of visibility which results from man-made air pollution.
A continuing discussion of the characteristics of filament samples discovered by Clifford Carnicom and others is presented here. It is reiterated that an environmental source, at least in part, for specific biological organisms that are under scrutiny in association with the so-called “Morgellons” condition, has been identified. This source is the unusual airborne filament sample that was sent in June of 2000 to the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for identification on behalf of the public welfare. This particular and same sample that was sent to the EPA has been successfully cultured and reproduced, and the culture growth exhibits the identical biological organisms, structure and chemistry of certain biological filaments that are under extensive study in association with the Morgellons condition.
The different cultured structures discussed above are described and pictured within this work as well. They are:
1) An encasing filament structure (containing an internal network of sub-micron filaments)
2) A chlamydia-like organism (Chlamydia pneumonia)
3) A pleomorphic form (Mycoplasma-like)
4) An erythrocytic form (red blood cell)
Morgellons : Biofilm Production
The existence of biofilm within the microbial growth characteristic of the “Morgellons” condition has been established with certainty. A method of reliably extracting the biofilm from the body and testing the biofilm for the principal components has also been developed. The work here is an extension to earlier work that has been presented.
Morgellons : A Working Hypothesis (Part I: Identification)
It has been established, through rather painstaking processes over a period of several years, that primary constituents of the growth form are comprised of both iron and amino acids. The methods to achieve this have been described in detail on previous reports. The essence of impact to health has also been discussed at length, namely, that if these elements are used by the organism for its own growth then those same nutrients are being denied to the human host that supports the invasive growth. Your iron is at the core of your respiration and hence of all energy transfer within your body; proteins are the structural framework that allows your body to exist and grow. The absconding of both iron and amino acids (i.e., proteins) from the human body is by itself of sufficient damage to warrant a full and dedicated allocation of resources to this problem; this has not happened to date. This information has, however, been very useful to develop an entire host of strategies to mitigate this damage and these have been discussed on this site. There remains much to do.
This paper is written to let it be known that the basic problems related to environmental contaminants disclosed over a decade ago remain essentially the same. An airborne filament sample has again been received by the Carnicom Institute, and this material is identical in form and structure to that sent to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for identification back in 2001. This agency refused identification of the material and declared that it was not their policy to do so. All available evidence indicates that the general populace has been subjected to the ingestion of these materials through airborne methods for more than a decade, at a minimum.
The filaments have been shown to contain (and continue to do so with this report) complex internal structures and biological components. These environmentally dispersed filaments have been shown to have a high degree of similarity and correlation with those that are characteristic of the so-called “Morgellons” condition. Human samples of filaments representative of the “Morgellons” condition have been cultured extensively, and they continue to show the same level of similarity with the environmental samples that are disclosed here. Images showing this filament tested contain the same fibrous and biological components analyzed in previous Carnicom papers (see for example the paper titled ”MORGELLONS: MORPHOLOGY CONFIRMED”, dated November 15, 2007).
A further case for tracking down the origin of Extremely Low Frequencies (ELF) with 4Hz multiples in the ambient atmosphere is made here. The measurements included in this page were registered using Carnicom’s latest circuit design at the Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico on January 25, 2003, and mimic the frequencies measured in Santa Fe in the earlier Carnicom paper titled ELF & THE HUMAN ANTENNA (dated January 19, 2003) except for one notable thing: the 60Hz frequency that was observed in Santa Fe is absent as expected from the measurements, as the 60Hz frequency is known to be produced by power lines, of which there are none at the Bandelier National Monument. The closest town from Bandelier is 6 miles, and in this National Monument there is expected to be little to no frequency interference from other known sources. One other significant finding in these measurements is that the ELF signals appear to be that of a highly pulsed nature, versus that of power line pulses and their 60Hz frequencies.
Citizens across the globe are asked to replicate the results presented in these experiments. The circuit diagram for this test unit will be presented at a later time. A request is made for those in the electrical engineering fields to contribute modification to this design as well.
This paper discusses the statistical significance of the measured startling changes in the hydrogen ion concentration in the clouds, precipitation, rainfall in the years from 1990-2000 in the United States. These atmospheric changes are correlated directly with the presence of sustained and extensive aircraft aerosol operations since the beginning of 1999.
This page describes the construction of a relatively simple magnetometer which is useful in detecting local variations in the earth’s magnetic field. Images are included showing the construction of an actual working unit, and an initial measurement using this magnetometer represent significant and detectable variability in the earth’s local magnetic field. Analysis of data under collection will be presented in a separate section. Data that has been collected for this topic is available in an earlier Carnicom paper titled PREDICTING THE OPERATIONS: SUNSPOTS AND HUMIDITY from September 3, 2002.
Readers are encouraged to construct a similar or improved magnetometer and begin collecting data that can be used to correlate any variations in magnetic field activity with the onset of aerosol operations.
This page contains a letter sent to the Carnicom Institute by a citizen in Indianapolis, IN, stating that he had discovered new insurance exclusions to his homeowner policy. The first one is a ‘Pollution Exclusion’ that waives coverage for pollution and its effects. The actual exclusions are included on this page. From the Pollution Exclusion: “Pollution, in all its various forms, has become a major problem in this country. However, we don’t yet know the full extent of the problem, or the losses and damage that may result from this hazard.” The second exclusion is the ‘Communicable Disease Exclusion’. From this exclusion: “This endorsement states no coverage is provided under the liability coverage section of the Homeowners policy for injury arising out of the transmission of a communicable disease by an insured.”
A case is made here for the need to have independent testing and verification performed of current atmospheric particulate counts in the United States. The basis for such a need includes; the repeated observations of the decline in visibility in the US (which is directly related to particulate concentrations), the unwillingness of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to adequately address concerns of countless citizens regarding atmospheric degradation by aircraft aerosol operations; the US National Weather Service’s reduction of visibility reporting standards from a maximum of 40 miles to a maximum of 10 miles; the apparent limitations of access to post-1998 public data base files that involves direct atmospheric monitoring by government bodies such as NOAA’s Climate Monitoring and Diagnostics Laboratory; and the newly released 1999 US mortality statistics showing an increase in chronic lower respiratory deaths. A theory of light scattering is discussed to be used as an initial estimator of atmospheric concentrations of particulate data, with example cases used to illustrate how such models can be used to estimate these
This paper is the actual letter sent from USAF Lt. Colonel Gibson to Representative Fazio regarding the USAF’s official explanation of what aerosols really are. Lt. Col. Gibson sends a canned reply to an inquiry from Rep. Fazio explaining that aerosols are really condensation (contrails) that are harmless and normal, and that that aerosols are a hoax despite growing evidence of their existence.
This topic will be discussed in further detail at a later time. There are three widely quoted and circulated conclusions regarding the issue of an intruding celestial body, now popularly referred to as Planet X. The first of these statements concerns a projected appearance of such a body in the spring of 2003. The second concerns a statement of astronomical coordinates (right ascension and declination) of purported observations of such a body in the neighborhood of the constellation Orion. The third is in regards to the reported finding of such a “planet” by the IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite) sensor in 1983 in the direction of Orion. These statements appear to originate from a restricted set of sources.