Carnicom Institute is a non-profit organization working solely for the benefit of humanity. Our goal is to provide the public with beneficial and responsible information through scientific, educational, environmental, and health research for the public welfare. The Institute is currently focused on the important issues of geoengineering and bioengineering.
This is a mirror of the Carnicom Institute website. The purpose is to serve as an alternative source for this content in case the main site is unavailable. Please note that the mirror may not be updated frequently so content here may be out of date. It is always recommended to use the main site instead if possible. This mirror was last updated on March 12, 2025.
An updated circuit design to measure ambient Extremely Low Frequencies (ELF) is presented here with some modifications from earlier experiments. The circuit design itself is presented, as is the design for a loop antenna that is directional, meaning...more
The presence of ambient Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves has again been verified on January 18, 2003 in Santa Fe New Mexico. The frequencies recorded by Clifford Carnicom show the same 4Hz multiples as his earlier readings, and these frequencies...more
A TIME magazine poll from January 14, 2003 is presented here showing by a large percentage of those polled that they believe the United States to be the country that poses the greatest danger to world peace in 2003...more
The following quote from Donald Rumsfeld is included on this page with respect to the draft during Viet Nam:
“And what was left was sucked into the intake, trained for a period of months, and then went out, adding no value, no advantage...more
After again conducting microscopic sessions upon particulates collected from an outdoor HEPA filter in Santa Fe, NM in 2002 and finding unexpected biological components, Carnicom further asks the professional community for input to his findings...more
Copied here is a letter from a California citizen written to the Durango Herald concerning Clifford Carnicom’s presentation. This citizen sums up the ignorance that the Herald displayed in their coverage of Carnicom’s presentation...more
Comments from Judith Reynolds from the Durango Herald in Santa Fe, New Mexico are challenged after Clifford Carnicom gave a presentation with extensive evidence of aerosol operations. Ms. Reynolds was not in attendance at this presentation, yet wrote...more
The presence of geometric patterns of ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) radiation continues to be detected by using different methods discussed in previous Carnicom papers. The ELF circuit described in the previous paper titled LF FREQUENCY MONITORING...more
This page is a copy of a letter sent to the Durango Herald in Santa Fe, New Mexico, by a concerned citizen. This person discusses the debate about aerosol operations and many related items that include: conditions needed for contrail formation versus...more