Carnicom Institute is a non-profit organization working solely for the benefit of humanity. Our goal is to provide the public with beneficial and responsible information through scientific, educational, environmental, and health research for the public welfare. The Institute is currently focused on the important issues of geoengineering and bioengineering.

This is a mirror of the Carnicom Institute website. The purpose is to serve as an alternative source for this content in case the main site is unavailable. Please note that the mirror may not be updated frequently so content here may be out of date. It is always recommended to use the main site instead if possible. This mirror was last updated on March 12, 2025.


The presence of barium as well as other metallic particulates in our atmosphere has now been demonstrated through a variety of testing methods in direct association with aircraft aerosol operations. The method presented here has the potential of...more


This work is a collection of reflections by Clifford Carnicom presented to the reader as an editorial comment, with the underlying motive to express concern and alarm at the failure of the last bastions of the free press and media to serve the public...more


Included here is a homemade filtration device (a box fan with a furnace filter attached) that is effective in filtering particulates down to 5-1- microns in size. Though not intended to be a substitute for a HEPA filter (filtration down to .3...more


Recent analysis leads to the conclusion that the extensive and systematic aerosol operations being conducted across the planet are aggravating the elevated drought conditions now being observed. This two part discussion centers upon heat aspects of...more

PROPOSITION 65 SKY,Posted on behalf of Mike Castle

A proposal to stop aerosol programs, written up by concerned citizens, is the subject of this paper. The proposed program is called Proposition 65 Sky, and its purpose is Ceasing Aerial Chemical Treatment of the Unified Atmosphere/Stratosphere...more


The following information on the expected composition of the atmosphere is from the book entitled "Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry", by Peter V. Hobbs, Cambridge University Press, 2000. Please note that the symbols for the chemical elements of...more


A report from an independent consultant sent to a woman who had sent along three separate samples to be analyzed are attached on this page. The analysis report sent to this woman details proof that the samples contain metals and other elements that...more


This page contains a letter sent to the Carnicom Institute by a citizen in Indianapolis, IN, stating that he had discovered new insurance exclusions to his homeowner policy. The first one is a ‘Pollution Exclusion’ that waives coverage for pollution...more


This work shows a visual/pictorial comparison of four different water solutions that a citizen sent in to the Carnicom Institute. The four solutions are 1) colloidal silver in water, 2) rainwater from Diamond Springs, CA from 1-27-2002, 3) tap water...more

Space Preservation Act of 2002 (Introduced in the House)

The Space Preservation Act of 2001 (HR 2977) was changed to the Space Preservation Act of 2002 HR 3616, and was ratified by Congress. Unfortunately, most of the critical wording that was in HR 2977 (presented in the previous Carnicom work titled...more

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