Carnicom Institute is a non-profit organization working solely for the benefit of humanity. Our goal is to provide the public with beneficial and responsible information through scientific, educational, environmental, and health research for the public welfare. The Institute is currently focused on the important issues of geoengineering and bioengineering.
This is a mirror of the Carnicom Institute website. The purpose is to serve as an alternative source for this content in case the main site is unavailable. Please note that the mirror may not be updated frequently so content here may be out of date. It is always recommended to use the main site instead if possible. This mirror was last updated on March 12, 2025.
This letter was recently received by a Ohio citizen:...more
This set of photos shows aerosol emissions extending across the entire wingspan of a McDonnell Douglas MD80 aircraft on November 30, 1999 in Santa Fe, New Mexico . This aircraft has rear mounted engines, showing that this wide span of aerosols cannot...more
University of Michigan Correspondence with Individual Seeking Information on Nano Technology Research Program:
TIME LINE OVERVIEW: 1. Letter to Dr. Jones - DARPA - Nov. 15th from A. C. Griffith. 2. Reply from the Director of DARPA, Lawrence H...more
In this paper, pictures captured and posted by Clifford Carnicom in the southern sky of Santa Fe, New Mexico on November 20, 1999, show massive trails sprayed in various patterns at different altitudes and spreading out into persistent trails...more
Photographs depicting clumps of fibrous looking material scattered on the ground are presented in this paper, and were taken by a witness in Sedona, Arizona on July 10, 1999. These samples were found on the ground after numerous townspeople reported...more
Microscopic views are presented of two filaments taken from a ground fiber sample after aerial spraying in eastern Oregon on November 2nd and November 4th, 1999. Observation and analysis indicate that the samples appear to be a polymer of some type...more
Eyewitness accounts of finding unusual fiber materials on the ground have been accumulated over the past year and more in direct connection with unusual aircraft activity. As might be expected, there are repeated, frequent and widespread accounts of...more
POSTED: October 11, 1999 6:45am EST Christian Intelligence Advisory Exclusive Aerosols, JFK, Jr. Activist Reports Extensive Harassment, Possible Attempt on Life by Andrew Amirault October 11, 1999 BOSTON...more