BioEngineering, Health, Public Relations & Communications, Social & Political Impacts - Agencies - Media
An unidentified source has written to Clifford Carnicom about a meeting he had with a well-placed military source about at least one aspect of the aerosol programs, and makes significant claims about these operations. Assertions made by this source:
- The aerosols programs are a joint effort by the Pentagon and pharmaceutical industry
- The goal is to test biological diseases on an unsuspecting population
- The bacteria and viruses sprayed are freeze dried and attached to fine filaments for dispersal
- The metals released along with the diseases heat up from the sun, creating a perfect environment for the bacteria and viruses to thrive in the air supply
- Most countries being sprayed are unaware of these programs
- The ultimate goal is to control all populations through accurate and directed spraying of disease and drugs
UPDATE - August 17, 2003 – The researcher who initially wrote to Carnicom above chimed in on the Carnicom web page to make further points about what has been revealed. Additional thoughts from this researcher include questioning why a top respiratory doctor told people on television not to exercise outside, and that respiratory disease has gone from eighth to fourth as a leading cause of death.