The direction from which the maximum Very Low Frequency-Extremely Low Frequency (VLF-ELF) originates has been verified from testing done in Santa Fe, New Mexico. This direction is in accordance with the expectation that the magnetic field lines of the earth are the primary carriers of this energy. Using a measurement test with a loop directional antenna, the results show that the maximum level of energy is received by the antenna in the direction from magnetic north to magnetic south. The test setup for this experiment is included in this paper. The following statement from the 1987 patent by Bernard Eastlund, generally regarded as an accurate template for the HAARP project, is presented as being especially relevant to the above finding: “This invention related to a method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region normally existing above the earth’s surface and more particularly related to a method and apparatus for altering said at least one region by initially transmitting electromagnetic radiation from the earth’s surface essentially parallel to and along naturally-occurring, divergent magnetic field lines which extend from the earth’s surface through the region or regions to be altered.” A knowledge of cyclotronic resonance (especially of physiologically important ions), circular polarization and HAARP technology will be of increasing importance to understand in relation to the aerosol operations.