Work has been conducted over the past one to two months that appears to be important and it may have significant impact on current research into pathogens being found in samples discussed in the most recent Carnicom papers. It appears as though a primary pathogenic form under evaluation that is associated with the so-called "Morgellon’s" condition may have been successfully cultured. If this proves to be the case, it offers the potential to begin very serious research on the methods to control, inhibit, reduce or eliminate the pathogenic forms within the human body. Unknown pathogens are difficult to identify, treat and remove if they exist only within the body; there is tremendous benefit if such pathogens can be grown or developed in a culture medium under controlled conditions. This report may offer a pathway to that process. Further research at this time continues to show identical pathogens in samples that are viewed under an enhanced microscope setup, that without such enhancement, these images and what they reveal would not be possible. This would not have allowed the progress in this area of study by Carnicom that will possibly have tremendous positive implications for all of humanity.