Reports of orbs, or lighted spheres, have occurred frequently during recent years and these reports appear to frequently coincide with the aerosol operations. Isolated but credible photographs of such orbs have been brought to Clifford Carnicom's attention in the past, but Carnicom refrained from presenting this information due to the lack of corroboration and redundancy in the imagery evidence that is available. Presented in this paper are pictures and a video of an orb that he witnessed in Santa Fe, New Mexico on March 10, 2004 while filming aerosol operations. The character of the object is generally that of a ball of light, and examination of the video reveals several interesting aspects: the physics of motion of the object defy common explanation; there is no obvious propulsion system visible; and the movement of the object is generally non-linear.


There is an indication that Clifford Carnicom’s phone has been tapped, based on anomalous and unusual phone activity that he has noticed discussed here. Carnicom also mentions his desire to make a video documentary on aerosol operations and associated research, eliciting video, pictures or other source material or documents for inclusion into this documentary by contacting him at cec201@usa.com.


It is past time to recognize that one of the primary effects of the dense aerosols that now permanently mar the lifeblood of this planet is the heating up of the very atmosphere that we breathe. It can be demonstrated that the introduction of essentially any metallic or metallic salt aerosol into the lower atmosphere will have the effect of heating up that lower atmosphere. The impact is both significant and measurable. The previous Carnicom paper titled ’DROUGHT INDUCEMENT’ (dated April 2, 2002) presents analysis that shows introducing aerosol metal and salt particulates into the lower atmosphere will cause the atmosphere to warm. The benefit of this current study is that an estimate of the magnitude of the heat influence upon the atmosphere can now be made. Those that continue to claim that a benevolent, but necessarily secret, enterprise to protect the planet with a blanket of purportedly heat reflective aerosols in the lower atmosphere exists will need to provide the primary evidence of that claim. That claim will need to be justified with solid physical principles and observation. Further discussion on this topic can be found in the Carnicom paper titled ’GLOBAL WARMING AND AEROSOLS’ (dated February 23, 2004).


A fundamental question exists as to whether or not it is feasible that the aerosol operations that have been observed and investigated for many years could affect the kinetic energy state of the earth. Clifford Carnicom builds upon previous data and research to discuss this possibility in this work, with additional data to support the likelihood that the aerosol programs are indeed causing not only a deceleration of the earth’s rotation, but that it’s in a non-linear fashion, meaning the deceleration rate is actually increasing. Discussion continues and examines the implications of a deceleration of the earth’s rotation. It can’t be overemphasized that the prospects and implications of an increasing deceleration component need to be given serious consideration by everyone, as even small changes in time (earth rotational speed) will translate into large changes in the kinetic energy of the earth. Geophysical events of greater magnitude and disturbance are expected as a result, such as earthquakes, volcano eruptions, etc. Further items explored include the relationship between changes in the Schumann resonance and the electron density of the ionosphere, how the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project (HAARP) also affects the geophysical state of the earth, and how a decrease in the rotational speed of the earth will cause a decrease in the earth’s magnetic field. For previous discourse posted for readers, please read Carnicom’s papers titled ’TIME’ (dated July 24, 2003), ’TIME TO START WATCHING TIME’ (dated August 14, 2003), ’TIME, ENERGY and EARTH CHANGES’ (dated August 26, 2003), ’THE WAISTLINE OF ROTATION’ (dated September 14, 2003), and ’TIME & ROTATION CHANGES SUSTAINED’ (dated October 25, 2003), and ’DECELERATION CONTINUES’ (dated November 8, 2003).


The abysmal failure of governments to serve the duty of stopping the directed aerosol and biological operations upon the planet's populace necessitates an appeal here for high level research and activism in numerous scientific and social disciplines by independent professionals. The areas of concern regarding these aerosol programs at this time include, but are not limited to, the geophysical energy implications of a changing earth momentum from such operations; solar energy influx and artificial energy sources of great magnitude, such as the HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) facility; and biological effects on living organisms. Considering the utter failure on the part of governments to even acknowledge these programs and their disastrous effects on the planet, it is required that independent, private and non-profit interests assume the role of investigating, researching, and alerting the world's population when a case for environmental and biological peril exists. It is not wise to think that unlimited time for organization of these efforts exists, and that there will be no consequence if the operations do not cease.


Certain news and media organizations, by virtue of their reputation and public service, have assumed a prominent role in investigating the critical issues of our times. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), for example, is accepted by many to provide impartial investigative journalism that has served the public interest well for decades. There are few news organizations that can now rightfully make the claim toward fulfilling journalistic integrity, and many of these have now been branded as the "alternative" media. One other journalistic service that is known to seek disclosure on critical issues is that of Democracy Now!, with Ms. Amy Goodman as the spearhead journalist. Democracy Now! (with a personal direct appeal to Ms. Goodman), has been contacted on three occasions during the past few months by two independent parties with a request to investigate the aerosol issue. No response of any kind has followed these appeals. No rationale for refusal of coverage on the aerosol issue has been relayed. No evaluation of the seriousness of the issue has been offered. In short, there is to date, no response.


A detailed statistical analysis of time over a period of four months presented in this paper continues to support the hypothesis of an earth in a state of deceleration. The magnitude of the deceleration, if confirmed, is sufficient to anticipate unusual geophysical activity in the foreseeable future. Small changes in time will translate to large changes in the kinetic energy of the earth. One second of time change per year corresponds roughly to the energy contained within all of the fossil fuels of the earth. The magnitude of the deceleration is currently best estimated at approximately 0.3 milliseconds per day. Any deceleration component of rotation of the earth is to be regarded with the greatest of interest, as an apparent small acceleration (deceleration) will result in significant velocity differentials and accumulated time differentials over a relatively short period of time if sustained. A deceleration component of 0.3 milliseconds per day will result in a velocity change of approximately 0.1 seconds per day at the end of a one year period. This same deceleration component would lead to an accumulated difference of approximately 20 seconds of time after a one year period. These are phenomenal magnitudes relative to any historical basis that is available.


There appears to be a correspondence between the magnitude of magnetic disturbance that results from an extreme solar storm and the magnitude of apparently artificial ELF-VLF pulse data that has been previously recorded by Clifford Carnicom in the paper titled MAGNETICS, AEROSOLS & VLF (dated April 13, 2003). This indicates that any artificially generated pulsed data that has been recorded by this same magnetometer, as is shown in this paper, may also be acting on a global level. The role of the aerosols and the HAARP facility and the propagation of ELF-VLF energy, as is referenced in the previous Carnicom paper referenced above should also be a consideration in the comparison which is made in this work. A graph attached to this page showing the magnitude of the magnetic disturbance captured and described above is compared to the graph of the anomalous magnetometer data recorded on April 5, 2003 in the aforementioned paper MAGNETICS, AEROSOLS & VLF. It will be noted that the magnitude of the pulsed and apparently artificial data is on the same order as that which results from the extreme solar storm recorded.


This is a discussion about measurements recently taken with a calibrated photometer that measure the reduction in intensity of sunlight that occurs as a direct result of heavy aerosol operations. These measurements expose a rapid reduction in the transmission of sunlight coinciding with photographs presented on this page that show the aircraft aerosol trails systematically increasing the extent of the aerosol bank. Interesting to note, is that rather than reducing the temperature of the earth and lower atmosphere, the aerosol operations commonly have the opposite effect of increasing temperature and aggravating, if not inducing drought conditions. This is a result of a combination of factors, including the specific heats of the elements involved as well as the hygroscopic properties of the aerosols. Physical and chemical analysis of the aerosol dynamics will lead to the expected observations of increased temperature, decreased moisture and an increase in winds.