Global Warming Model

Global Warming Model

It has long been proposed that the aerosol operations have the effect of aggravating the heating condition of the planet, and that they show no prospect for cooling the earth. This is in direct contradiction to many of the popular notions that these operations are somehow intended for our benefit. The aerosols are being dispersed into the lower atmosphere, and it can be shown from this fact that they will indeed heat up the lower portion of the atmosphere. Global warming itself is defined as the heating of the lower atmosphere and earth. The notion that the aerosols are in some way cooling the planet is contradictory to direct observation and the examinations of physics. The current model examines the effects of deliberately introducing barium particulates into the lower atmosphere, and the subsequent contribution to the global warming problem. The results indicate that these particulates, even at rather modest concentration levels, can contribute in a real and significant way to the heating of the lower atmosphere. The graph presented in this work shows the expected interactions from 3 variables that relate to the global warming issue; these are: aerosol concentration, time and rise in temperature. As the model presented herein is intended to be reasonably conservative, the impact of the aerosol operations could be much greater than these results show.


It is shown within this report that the potassium ion is specifically expected to incur biological interference within people over large regions of the earth's surface. This is due to the fact that the fifth harmonic of the ELF that has been repeatedly measured over a period of several years corresponds to the cyclotronic resonant frequency of potassium. This fifth harmonic, along with numerous other harmonics is a regular component of the ELF radiation that under measurement at this time. This expected interference, albeit intentional or not, can be shown to exist based upon the principles and physics of cyclotronic resonance, a phenomenon well established in classical electromagnetic theory. The emphasis in this report is upon the potassium ion, which is of fundamental importance to human health. Although there are additional ions which deserve discussion at a later point, the primary ranking of potassium in human biology is of special concern. Additional discussion on this page outlines the definition of cyclotronic resonance, as well as a mathematical model for determining the atomic number for an element (in this case potassium) that is affected by a particular cyclotronic frequency. And though such unique combinations, such as in this case with potassium, are not common, they do occur. They are of concern with respect to human biological function and interference, as these ions will absorb energy and can lead to the disruption of cellular ion exchange processes.
CONDUCTIVITY: The Air, The Water, and The Land

CONDUCTIVITY: The Air, The Water, and The Land

Clifford Carnicom discusses a series of conductivity tests conducted on recent heavy snowfall samples collected in New Mexico and Arizona in 2005, which have refocused attention on the electrolytic, ionic and conductive properties of environmental samples in connection with the aerosol operations. This report has been received and documents unusually high levels of calcium and potassium within a rain sample, where previous work has demonstrated unexpected levels of barium and magnesium. Discussion in this work ensues and outlines conductivity testing on these samples, where conductivity is a means to measure the ionic concentration within a solution. Conductivity is proportional to ionic concentration, and the results of this testing shows the increased conductivity of the atmosphere from having these salts dispersed in the aerosol operations. This discussion also describes the difficulty of performing conductivity testing because of the concept of 'ohmic heating', extrapolates the testing results to calculate the volume of these ionic salts within the regional atmosphere, and considerations to what the implications are of having these elements in our air, land and water.


A model has been developed to depict the estimated increase in the mortality rate as a function of the decrease in visibility, and the results of this model in a graphical form are shown in this paper. It can be observed that mortality increases as visibility decreases, and that the effect is highly significant. This model does not consider the additional negative health effects that occur from the toxic nature of particulate matter. The American Heart Association establishes that an increase in the density of particulate matter will cause an increase in mortality. The expected increase is expressed in a differential form of an increase of 1% mortality of an increase of 10ug (micrograms) per cubic meter. Readers may want to also read the previous Carnicom paper related to this issue titled ’BARIUM TESTS ARE POSITIVE’ (dated May 24, 2004).


In this paper, Clifford Carnicom tests the premise that there have been recent reports of a magnetic field orientation change in certain locations of up to five degrees. Any relatively sudden directional change in the orientation of the magnetic field of up to five degrees would be a phenomenal event. A digital logging magnetometer is often running at Carnicom's location (Santa Fe, New Mexico), and attention is focused on unusual magnetic field activity. A measurement has been taken at this location on this date, and it is reported there is no unusual or unexpected value of magnetic declination occurring on this date, and at this time and location.