Carnicom Institute is a non-profit organization working solely for the benefit of humanity. Our goal is to provide the public with beneficial and responsible information through scientific, educational, environmental, and health research for the public welfare. The Institute is currently focused on the important issues of geoengineering and bioengineering.
This is a mirror of the Carnicom Institute website. The purpose is to serve as an alternative source for this content in case the main site is unavailable. Please note that the mirror may not be updated frequently so content here may be out of date. It is always recommended to use the main site instead if possible. This mirror was last updated on March 12, 2025.
An anonymous researcher wrote to Carnicom and recommended that he visit and read papers on the International Society for Optical Engineering website The anonymous researcher stated “Please take time to look into SEARAD, MODTRAN, and...more
Additional biological components have been repeatedly identified within atmospheric samples collected through the process of electrostatic precipitation on April 18 and 19 2001. The precipitator was active approximately one hour in each case...more
A preliminary model is presented here to be used to predict whether contrails will form or not under reported meteorological conditions at flight altitude. Contrail prediction models are difficult to attain, so this model is presented for...more
A fifth HEPA filter atmospheric sample taken in Santa Fe, New Mexico on April 8, 2001 demonstrates again the abundant presence of biological components processed by electrostatic precipitation. The biological components appear to satisfy the visual...more
Investigation continues into the unexpected and repeated presence of biological components within numerous atmospheric samples recently collected through the use of HEPA filters and the process of electrostatic precipitation. The justification for...more
Carnicom outlines criteria and conditions to be satisfied in drawing conclusions about the specific purposes or agendas of aircraft aerosol operations currently in progress in the United States and globally, and cautions against drawing premature...more
Video documentation reaffirms the presence of abundant particulate matter in the atmosphere in Santa Fe, New Mexico on January 4, 2001. Six separate sessions of video have been conducted for this purpose, and each shows abundant, and by all...more
The United States Department of Defense Network Operations was found to have visited the website for a duration of 10 ½ hours. This visit was uninterrupted, and involved an inspection or review of 53 web pages within the...more
A report from the United States Geological Survey outlining the pH conditions across the US are in direct contrast to those readings that US citizens are reporting. Both sets of reports are included in this work showing the two different pH reading...more
The United States National Climatic Data Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, changed their visibility reporting methods, as well as data results, from a maximum 40 miles to a limit of 10 miles. It is of question why this change...more