Carnicom Institute is a non-profit organization working solely for the benefit of humanity. Our goal is to provide the public with beneficial and responsible information through scientific, educational, environmental, and health research for the public welfare. The Institute is currently focused on the important issues of geoengineering and bioengineering.
This is a mirror of the Carnicom Institute website. The purpose is to serve as an alternative source for this content in case the main site is unavailable. Please note that the mirror may not be updated frequently so content here may be out of date. It is always recommended to use the main site instead if possible. This mirror was last updated on March 12, 2025.
A third HEPA filter sample from Santa Fe, New Mexico was analyzed under a microscope with no red blood cells being found. This filter sample was collected 10 feet above ground for a duration of 10 days. These results are in stark contrast to the...more
This paper outlines a model developed that estimates the distance behind the engines that a contrail (condensed trail of water vapor) is expected to form. The model results support exceptionally well a statement issued by the United States Air Force...more
An intriguing set of questions, from a poster to the Carnicom message board, related to aerosol programs as well as other health, weather and similar topics, is included in this paper...more
A second HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter sample was received from Aspen, Colorado and was analyzed under microscope. This HEPA filter ran for five days approximately 15 feet above ground. This filter shows the frequent presence of...more
William Thomas’ response to a USA Today article that was run March 7, 2001 is the subject of this Carnicom work. The USA Today article ridicules the notion that contrails are actually aerosol spraying programs, as espoused by Clifford Carnicom and...more
As evidence continues to accumulate that the ionization level of the atmosphere has been modified in a significant way as a result of aircraft aerosol operations, a new topic on research in this area is the topic of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). MHS is...more
Clifford Carnicom refutes accusations that he misinformed about the nature of contrails, as well as the accusation that Carnicom is spreading propaganda in order to make money off videos etc. that are sold to a scared public...more
Testing with a standard HEPA air filter revealed the existence of biological components in the atmosphere. The air filter was placed 10 feet off the ground, within a non-agricultural, non-industrial, high desert rural area, and the exposure time for...more
Visitation activity by (NIPR = Department of Defense Network Operations (NIPRnet)) has increased dramatically over the last few days to Responses to an elicitation by Clifford Carnicom on the message board for additional...more
This paper discusses the analysis of three atmospheric samples all containing biological components conducted in Santa Fe, New Mexico in 2001. Biological components as an aspect of the aerosol operations up to this time have been considered as being...more