The growth of the bacterial-like organisms that appear to be at the foundation of the so-called Morgellons condition has been positively inhibited. That is the discussion included at this juncture. Clifford Carnicom recognized in a previous work (see the paper titled ”MORGELLONS: A DISCOVERY AND A PROPOSAL” dated February 22, 2010) that these organism(s) thrive in an acidic environment in the presence of an hydroxyl radical and oxidizers in general, and that application of a set of specific antioxidants inhibit the growth of the organism(s) in the presence of the hydroxyl free radical and the creation of a more alkaline environment. Detailed images of the testing performed by Carnicom in this experiment show side by side comparisons of both an inhibited culture growth of the chlamydia-like organism referenced and researched in many of Carnicom's papers, and those of an uninhibited growth. Note that the inhibited culture was subjected to the presence of three specific hydroxyl scavenging antioxidants at the beginning of the trial.  The specific antioxidants being used are that of ascorbic acid, sodium citrate and glycerol. The reasoning behind choosing these specific antioxidants is outlined in the above mentioned Carnicom paper.


A continuing discussion of the characteristics of filament samples discovered by Clifford Carnicom and others is presented here. It is reiterated that an environmental source, at least in part, for specific biological organisms that are under scrutiny in association with the so-called "Morgellons" condition, has been identified. This source is the unusual airborne filament sample that was sent in June of 2000 to the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for identification on behalf of the public welfare. This particular and same sample that was sent to the EPA has been successfully cultured and reproduced, and the culture growth exhibits the identical biological organisms, structure and chemistry of certain biological filaments that are under extensive study in association with the Morgellons condition. The different cultured structures discussed above are described and pictured within this work as well. They are: 1) An encasing filament structure (containing an internal network of sub-micron filaments) 2) A chlamydia-like organism (Chlamydia pneumonia) 3) A pleomorphic form (Mycoplasma-like) 4) An erythrocytic form (red blood cell)


A set of four primary components has been established at the microscopic level in the research of the Morgellon's condition with them having, at the very least, some degree of association with the condition. These are (at a minimum): 1. An encasing filament structure, generally on the order of 12 to 20 microns in thickness, and it is this form which is visible to the human eye. 2. A chlamydia-like organism (Chlamydia pneumonia is the strongest candidate thus far) measuring on the order of 0.5 to 0.8 microns. 3. A pleomorphic form (Mycoplasma-like is the strongest candidate thus far). 4. An erythrocytic (red blood cell - likely artificial or modified) form. The Morgellons condition appears, by the best information and analysis to date, to be an orchestrated synthesis that crosses the lines of the three established 'Domains' of life on this planet (included in this paper is a short history of one phylogeneticist Carl R. Woese, who changed the interpretation of phylogeny, or the evolution of a genetically related group of organisms, into three classifications of 'domains' of: 1) The Bacteria; 2) The Archaea; and 3) The Eukarya. It is very difficult to envision, at this state of knowledge, that this "organism" (for the sake of discussion) is the result of any "natural" or "evolutionary" process.


A continuing discussion of the characteristics of filament samples discovered by Clifford Carnicom and others is presented here. It is reiterated that an environmental source, at least in part, for specific biological organisms that are under scrutiny in association with the so-called "Morgellons" condition, has been identified. This source is the unusual airborne filament sample that was sent in June of 2000 to the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for identification on behalf of the public welfare. This particular and same sample that was sent to the EPA has been successfully cultured and reproduced, and the culture growth exhibits the identical biological organisms, structure and chemistry of certain biological filaments that are under extensive study in association with the Morgellons condition. The different cultured structures discussed above are described and pictured within this work as well. They are: 1) An encasing filament structure (containing an internal network of sub-micron filaments) 2) A chlamydia-like organism (Chlamydia pneumonia) 3) A pleomorphic form (Mycoplasma-like) 4) An erythrocytic form (red blood cell).


A partial summary of the research accumulated through this site on the so-called "Morgellons" issue is presented in this work. These summaries include fascinating, if not disturbing, details of the many years of work that Clifford Carnicom has put into his research that include the fact that: all individuals who participated in this research exhibit internal biological filaments and blood anomalies; the cultures produced from the internal biological filaments (dental samples of those participating in this research) have been shown to produce an erythrocytic (blood) form; and that the production of erythrocytic forms within direct biological filament samples and by culture is completely outside the known boundaries of conventional science and biology, and that it is repeatedly evident that these same erythrocytic forms can withstand (and even flourish in) extremely adverse environmental, chemical and thermal conditions. Many more details are provided in this long list of things known about Carnicom's work in this area.


This paper reiterates that there needs to be the clarification of the term 'Morgellons' to sway from originally being perceived as manifesting primarily an anomalous skin condition. Though there is a small portion of the population classified as having the Morgellon's condition, who show skin lesions that resist healing and have the presence of filaments that emanate from these sores, it is not the skin condition that defines the actual pathology. More recent research strongly indicates the underlying symptoms are much deeper and more broadly distributed than has been realized, and that blood borne vectors may be a common denominator amongst affected individuals. The presence of skin anomalies as the primary criterion for determining the existence of the condition appears to be especially deficient. Any reference to supposed "delusional parasitosis" in light of the physical examinations and documentation available appears to be a gross miscarriage and misdirection of effort to help these people, and needs to stop.


There is increasing evidence that the general population may be affected by at least four pathogenic forms, and that many have been seriously compromised by at least four pathogenic forms under examination. These recurring pathogen forms are: 1) An encasing or encapsulating filament, often barely visible to the human eye, measuring on the order of 12 to 20 microns in thickness. This bounding filament form usually contains within it a network of sub-micron fibers that are generally in parallel alignment with one another; 2) A network of sub-micron filament forms that are usually encased within the bounding filament referred to above. This form has some morphological similarity to fungal forms, but no suitable match to any known species exists at this time; 3) A sub-micron spherical to oblate structure whose best size estimate is currently on the order of 0.5 - 0.7 microns (asbestos fibers are on the order of around 2 microns). These structures can and often do occur in large numbers within the biological samples; and 4) What is being called, for the time being, a "hybrid" form. This form has properties that are somewhat in between the sub-micron Chlamydia-like form and the sub-micron filament form. The remainder of this paper will present evidence that visible skin anomalies are not a suitable criteria to establish the existence of the so-called "Morgellon’s condition" and that certain pathogenic forms may be repeating internally within a broad cross-section of the general population.
MORGELLONS…  A Natural Medicine Approach

MORGELLONS… A Natural Medicine Approach

Ms. Scott outlines a natural outlook toward the toxins being found in our air, water, land, and food, and offers healthy ideas to help others who want to remain healthy in their lives. One of the things Ms. Scott discusses is ridding the body of toxins using products like diatomaceous earth, which is known to pull metals out of the digestive tract for elimination. Her experience with the Morgellon's condition has led her to understand that rather than seeing the sores common to those who are assumed to have Morgellon's 'disease' as symptoms of the disease itself, but should be seen as a healthy reaction of the body to rid the body of these elements that are believed to be sprayed from aircraft in the aerosol operations that have been observed by so many and so exhaustively researched by Clifford Carnicom. Ms. Scott continues with discussions about doctors who are working in the area of Morgellon's, and that it isn't seen as a disease per se, but rather as the polluting of our bodies with poisons, plastics, metals and salts believed to have been delivered in the aerosol programs. Important health regimens and caveats are included in Ms. Scott's article to keep us healthy and give us a sense that we are on track to understand what we are experiencing. A close relationship between us and our doctors is stressed, as is the idea that our overall health is critical to helping keep these invaders in our bodies at bay.
MORGELLONS: 5th, 6th & 7th MATCH

MORGELLONS: 5th, 6th & 7th MATCH

At this point, there are three more samples added to the research of Morgellon's that are showing the same basic apparent pathogenic forms as those previously observed. Added to this list of samples researched are: 1) the 5th match of this observation match set showing that an individual not outwardly manifesting Morgellon's symptoms can demonstrate the internal Morgellon's symptoms of blood disturbance and Chlamydia-like form - this individual, in images of a gum-dental infectious sample shows a 'hybrid' form not seen before...that is, both oblate and fibrous forms appear in the same sample; 2) the 6th sample shows a unique characteristic not seen yet - that is, that the filament, as opposed to encasing a sub-micron fibrous network, instead encases the Chlamydia-like organisms, demonstrating that a real possibility is taking place where there is morphing between all three reported forms in individuals. This subject's samples support the possibility that an individual not outwardly manifesting Morgellon's symptoms can demonstrate the Morgellon's symptoms of anomalous fibrous form; and 3) the 7th sampled individual's saliva sample has a highly abnormal mucous that this individual notices reacts to ultraviolet radiation. This sample shows that detected Chlamydia-like structures, filamentous and hybrid forms are being detected across major systems of the human body, including circulatory, digestive and skin.


An individual with Morgellon’s symptoms has recently expelled a massive volume of fibrous material from the gums of the mouth. The fibers, upon very high magnification, reveal themselves to be identical in size, structure and form to the skin fibers that are documented in detail in earlier papers mentioned below. This now brings to four the number of samples from entirely different mediums and environments that are showing similar to identical morphology. High magnification microscope images are included in this work showing identical sub-micron filaments within a major filament structures and spherical entities within the filaments seen in previous works mentioned above.