Analysis shows that the primary organism (or pathogen) characteristic of the "Morgellons" condition, as isolated and identified by Clifford Carnicom, causes a significant biochemical change in the nature of human blood in which it resides. The dramatic change in the character of the blood has been presented through visible observation for several years, but this change is now objectively and directly measurable through the use of spectral analysis, and these changes are graphed and discussed in this paper. This change in the general character of human blood, as it has been measured from several individuals, is regarded as highly significant and expressive of a potential fundamental change in the human condition. Normal hemoglobin is analyzed under a spectrophotometer, and then graphed with different levels of concentrations of the organism. All matter reacts in a unique fashion to electromagnetic energy which, in this case, is visible light. Hemoglobin, (the primary protein in human blood cells), has such a unique and characteristic spectrum over the visible light range, and witnessing such dramatic alterations of the blood from this organism as compared to unaltered hemoglobin in these graphs give a sense of urgency for not only further research in this area, but also to alert more people to what is going on and to inspire action to be taken to get these organisms located and stopped.