Global Warming Model

Global Warming Model

It has long been proposed that the aerosol operations have the effect of aggravating the heating condition of the planet, and that they show no prospect for cooling the earth. This is in direct contradiction to many of the popular notions that these operations are somehow intended for our benefit. The aerosols are being dispersed into the lower atmosphere, and it can be shown from this fact that they will indeed heat up the lower portion of the atmosphere. Global warming itself is defined as the heating of the lower atmosphere and earth. The notion that the aerosols are in some way cooling the planet is contradictory to direct observation and the examinations of physics. The current model examines the effects of deliberately introducing barium particulates into the lower atmosphere, and the subsequent contribution to the global warming problem. The results indicate that these particulates, even at rather modest concentration levels, can contribute in a real and significant way to the heating of the lower atmosphere. The graph presented in this work shows the expected interactions from 3 variables that relate to the global warming issue; these are: aerosol concentration, time and rise in temperature. As the model presented herein is intended to be reasonably conservative, the impact of the aerosol operations could be much greater than these results show.


After lengthy discussions with a citizen with Morgellons, Carnicom received carefully packaged fiber samples from this person for study. The subject has provided numerous samples to a medical doctor in the past but no specific response, descriptions, photos or analysis have apparently been provided in return. One of the goals of this paper is to provide the reader with a sense of scale of these fibers, and to show a progression from the original materials as they exist from the body to the highest magnification possible with Carnicom’s equipment. Initial photographs of the filaments show little detail, but are shown also with control photographs of hair and blood cells to give a sense of scale and measurement. Further higher power microscope images show that the fibers have a much more complicated internal structure than was discernible at low magnification. These additional images appear to show innumerable sub-fibers inside the major filament. Of particular concern is that in one of the photographs of greater translucency, internal, much smaller structures of elliptical form exist. This begins to strongly suggest a biological nature to the fibers. The last major discovery by observation at this point is what appears to a "budding" structure of some sort. These structures contain two further components within. The first of these are spherical or elliptical structures at the micron level within an encasing, translucent shell. In addition, innumerable fibers at the sub-micron level emerge from the budding structure.


Details are given here for the planned Aerosol Program protest in Phoenix, Arizona on April 26, 2006. Noted activist Rosalind Peterson will be speaking. Carnicom’s note: The following scheduled protest against the aerosol operations is announced to the public; it is recommended that this announcement be distributed to the public as widely as is possible.


Details are given here for the planned Aerosol Program protest in Los Angeles, California on March 23, 2006 at Senator Barbara Boxer’s office. Carnicom’s note: The following scheduled protest against the aerosol operations is announced to the public; it is recommended that this announcement be distributed to the public as widely as is possible.


A series of highly unusual reports of red rain falling in parts of India starting in 2001 and lasting roughly two months prompted Clifford Carnicom to try to contact university members at the Mahatma Ghandi University in that country. Both attempts at contacting the University failed as undeliverable. This paper contains a link to an article describing the red particles contained in the red rain itself, as well as work done by Godfrey Louis and A. Santhosh Kumar, who wrote papers about this topic of red rain. Various attempts at explaining how these particles got into the rain are discussed, with some scientists believing a previous meteor shower could have deposited the particles in the atmosphere, which is called panspermia. As far as the particles themselves, they have the following intriguing, yet alarming, characteristics ascribed to them: These particles have much similarity with biological (red blood) cells though they are devoid of DNA. The particles can grow if placed in extreme heat and reproduce, even though the particles seem to lack a nucleus and DNA for reproduction. The particles look like one-celled organisms and are about 4 to 10 thousandths of a millimeter wide, somewhat larger than typical bacteria. Even after storage in the original rainwater at room temperature without any preservative for about four years, no decay or discoloration of the particles could be found.


It is now established that the spokesperson for the United States Air Force chosen to issue an edict on the aerosol issue is a Master Intelligence Officer Lt. Col. Michael Gibson. Readers may judge for themselves the veracity of the proclamations by Lt. Gibson by reviewing his historical record of evidence and documentation on the aerosol issue, by reading previous Carnicom papers titled ’AIR FORCE LIES TO AMERICA’ (dated September 11, 2000), ’A RESPONSE TO LT. COL. MICHAEL GIBSON USAF FORCE’ (dated September 13, 2000), ’AIR FORCE INCREASES RANK OF LIE’ (dated May 22, 2001), and ’OFFICE OF SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS’ (dated August 20, 2003).


Recent work indicates the very real possibility of sources for interference in the metabolism of the potassium ion within the human body (potassium levels that are too low in the body may present medical difficulties such as heart failure, fatigue, muscular weakness and depression). This interference is based upon the detection of continuous and apparently artificial ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) propagation at 4Hz multiples. The fifth harmonic of this radiation, detected at 20Hz, corresponds to the cyclotronic frequency of the potassium ion in the mid latitude ranges of the globe. Readers are referred to a previous Carnicom article on this topic titled ’POTASSIUM INTERFERENCE IS EXPECTED’ (dated May 15, 2005), and to the work of Dr. Robert Becker for additional information on this subject. Upon further inquiry by Clifford Carnicom on the attempt to increase potassium levels in the diet has revealed some unexpected findings. It might be considered reasonable for an individual to seek out a potassium supplement, in addition to the investigation of changes in the diet. Such a search has been conducted by Carnicom...upon examining all potassium supplements at the local health food store, regardless of brand, Clifford soon noticed that no products were available that provided a level of potassium greater than 3% of the recommended daily allowance for potassium.


A graph showing the ion count, based on a direct measurement by Clifford Carnicom over a 47 day period (April 1, 2005 to June 19, 2005) in Santa Fe, New Mexico is the object of this page. This graph shows an increasing ion count over the timeframe described. Readers may wish to visit the previous Carnicom paper titled ’IONS & HUMIDITY’ (dated May 26, 2005) for more information on this topic and the graph’s interpretations.


Stories of three different scenarios where testing laboratories terminated services for those seeking knowledge of the makeup of samples sent to them are told in this paper. One was for a concerned citizen who had a rainwater sample tested, and had sent the results to Clifford Carnicom, which were published on the Carnicom website. After publication, this particular lab refused to do further testing for this individual, and gave no indication as to why they had made such a decision. Carnicom himself had a similar situation occur when he had an atmospheric fiber sample tested by a different were terminated when the results of the lab report were challenged and refuted in a personal visit by this Carnicom. Upon making the first two of nine contradictions known to the principal of that company, this owner stated that "this discussion is now over". A third encounter happened when the career of a state criminal forensic scientist was threatened when an interest was expressed by that individual to assist in the identification of a certain atmospheric fibrous sample. It was stated in that case that the career of that individual and all post-retirement benefits of the forensicist would be terminated if any involvement in identification were to take place. The act of laboratory identification was never completed.


It is thought that the graph shown on this page may well be at the core of the aerosol operations. This graph shows direct ion measurements in combination with historical humidity data during the past month. The graph shows what appear to be highly favored conditions for the conduct of the aerosol operations or the transport of aerosol banks within a region. Aerosol operations are being staged at specific times of low humidity and low negative ion count. These two tenets, that of humidity association and ionic manipulation, have been at the foundation of the aerosol research since the early days of investigation. It seems quite fair to state at this stage that the balances of nature are being upset with artificial methods that threaten the viability of life on this planet. A very general interpretation of the current data can be made as follows: Low humidity is a period of relatively low moisture in the atmosphere. A low negative ion count is also generally indicative of lower moisture levels in the atmosphere. The research indicates that both of these variables, taken together, serve to indicate likely periods of aircraft aerosol or aerosol bank operations. This finding may appear to be in contradiction to the humidity conditions that have been associated with the operations, but in reality they are not contradictory in any fashion.


It is shown within this report that the potassium ion is specifically expected to incur biological interference within people over large regions of the earth's surface. This is due to the fact that the fifth harmonic of the ELF that has been repeatedly measured over a period of several years corresponds to the cyclotronic resonant frequency of potassium. This fifth harmonic, along with numerous other harmonics is a regular component of the ELF radiation that under measurement at this time. This expected interference, albeit intentional or not, can be shown to exist based upon the principles and physics of cyclotronic resonance, a phenomenon well established in classical electromagnetic theory. The emphasis in this report is upon the potassium ion, which is of fundamental importance to human health. Although there are additional ions which deserve discussion at a later point, the primary ranking of potassium in human biology is of special concern. Additional discussion on this page outlines the definition of cyclotronic resonance, as well as a mathematical model for determining the atomic number for an element (in this case potassium) that is affected by a particular cyclotronic frequency. And though such unique combinations, such as in this case with potassium, are not common, they do occur. They are of concern with respect to human biological function and interference, as these ions will absorb energy and can lead to the disruption of cellular ion exchange processes.