The postulate that a decrease in the earth’s rotational speed will result in an increase of the equatorial radius of the earth from this change is demonstrated here using two different mathematical analyses. Clifford Carnicom shows that a slowdown of just one second a year in the earth’s rotation would result in an increase of 4-8 inches in the radius of the earth. First, Carnicom examines the kinetic energy and inertial momentum of the earth as it relates to differentials (this results in the 4 inch radius calculation stated above), and the second method examines this same issue from the viewpoint of angular momentum (results in the 8 inch increase of the earth’s radius above). Greater changes in the rotational rate (current observations support a change of 12 seconds per year) result in correspondingly greater changes in the equatorial radius of the earth. Refer to the following Carnicom papers previously released addressing earlier considerations of this subject: ’TIME’ (dated July 24, 2003), ’TIME TO START WATCHING TIME’ (dated August 14, 2003), and ’TIME, ENERGY and EARTH CHANGES’ (dated August 26, 2003).


I have recently been notified of an unusual crystal form that has developed within an ionizer. A detailed description of the circumstances of occurrence is presented below by the sender of the sample; the original report was submitted on July 20, 2003. I have placed the material under the microscope and have taken several microphotographs at a magnification of 200x; these photographs also are presented below. The crystals have a unique branch-like, or dendritic structure, and they are highly soluble in water. Any individual with additional information regarding the nature of this sample is welcome to contact me at Appreciation is extended to the sender for the efforts that have been made to make this information available to the public for further examination.


This paper builds on two previous Carnicom papers that show even small changes in the rotational speed of the earth will cause tremendous effects on the earth (see the previous Carnicom papers ’TIME’ dated July 24, 2003, and ’TIME TO START WATCHING TIME’ dated August 14, 2003). It is now established that a preliminary relationship has been determined between any anomalies in time that may occur, the associated change in the kinetic energy of the earth, and the projected magnitude of any such changes on a geophysical level. The result of this study indicates that small changes in "time" will manifest themselves as tremendous changes in the energy state of the earth and that they are likely to have a significant geophysical impact. Detailed in this work are two mathematical analyses – the first is a calculation of the kinetic energy of the earth, and the second a calculation is determining the effect of a ‘small’ change of one second in a day of the earth’s rotational speed on the earth’s kinetic energy. This study informs us that relatively small changes in the rotational rate of the earth have a potentially great impact upon the energy transformation processes within the earth and earth - celestial system. Even though the change in time may, on the surface, appear to be miniscule in nature, the opposite is in fact true because of the tremendous mass and kinetic energy inherent in the rotating earth.


This paper reveals that an operational term of "CLOVERLEAF" for the criminal aerosol operations that continue to be conducted without informed consent has been corroborated from numerous independent and unrelated sources extending over a period of several years. This term is therefore presented to the public as a credible avenue for research and investigation in the future.


This paper is a continuation of the previous Carnicom work titled ’TIME’ (dated July 24, 2003). In that paper it was determined that the rotational speed of the earth had increased around late 1998 and that increase was a significant deviation from historical norm. One addition noted in this present paper is that another 0.5 seconds was added to the rotational speed of the earth, or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) between 09:30 MDT on August 16, 2003 and 12:00 MDT on August 17, 2003. This is significant and begs for more research to be done by others to monitor these changes. A second update to the original ’TIME’ paper details that a drift rate analysis of the independent time standard that has been developed now shows a departure of 1.5 seconds over a period of 57 days since the monitoring of time standards began. This indicates the detection of another 0.5 second additional departure since Aug 17 2003. A projection of the current time departure rate is estimated at 9.5 seconds per year; a departure of this magnitude is phenomenal in magnitude if these observations bear out in the future. A one second departure (approximately) over a year period is expected based upon the historical record. A careful monitoring of geophysical events and changes is recommended based upon this preliminary report, as unusual changes in time will likely correlate with significant geophysical energy releases.


An unidentified source has written to Clifford Carnicom about a meeting he had with a well-placed military source about at least one aspect of the aerosol programs, and makes significant claims about these operations. Assertions made by this source: - The aerosols programs are a joint effort by the Pentagon and pharmaceutical industry - The goal is to test biological diseases on an unsuspecting population - The bacteria and viruses sprayed are freeze dried and attached to fine filaments for dispersal - The metals released along with the diseases heat up from the sun, creating a perfect environment for the bacteria and viruses to thrive in the air supply - Most countries being sprayed are unaware of these programs - The ultimate goal is to control all populations through accurate and directed spraying of disease and drugs UPDATE - August 17, 2003 – The researcher who initially wrote to Carnicom above chimed in on the Carnicom web page to make further points about what has been revealed. Additional thoughts from this researcher include questioning why a top respiratory doctor told people on television not to exercise outside, and that respiratory disease has gone from eighth to fourth as a leading cause of death.


Basing concern on a hypothesis forwarded to him by an as of now unidentified source, Clifford Carnicom investigates the possibility that the aerosol programs are being used to change the rotational speed of the earth. This hypothesis purports the onset of major geophysical changes and life extinction cycles in the foreseeable and upcoming decades. The impact upon the earth and life from such events is extraordinary and beyond the realm of consideration for many people. A quote by Carl Sagan brings the possibility of the above claims in line with reality: “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” The hypothesis that was passed to Carnicom states that there is an attempt to use the aerosols to increase the rotational speed of the earth. Recognition that the onset of heavy aerosol spraying started late 1998 into early 1999, Carnicom chose to look at yearly earth rotational data from the United States Naval Observatory and the International Earth Rotation Service (Atomic time and actual rotational speed of the earth) to ascertain any change in earth rotational speed. Coincidentally, there is an unexpected sustained increase of the earth’s rotation, starting in late 1998/early 1999, when compared to many years of historical record. Whether this change in rotation has been induced artificially will need to be researched and determined. Of significant note here should be that the reader understand that the records of the earth rotation from the United States Naval Observatory and the International Earth Rotation Service were abruptly discontinued to the public.


This paper outlines how much visibility in our day and night skies has decreased after 4 years of known aerosol spraying programs. By measuring orders of magnitude of the brightness of stars by observation for example, Carnicom presents a mathematical analysis showing a drastic decrease in visibility as a result of the particulates from aerosols obscuring our views of stars. Carnicom’s calculations also show a decrease in visibility in daylight skies from 90-120 miles to around 15 miles.
Natural Medicine for The Times, Dr. Gwen Scott, N.D.

Natural Medicine for The Times, Dr. Gwen Scott, N.D.

Dr. Gwen Scott discusses vitamins, nutrients and other healthy items for maintaining good health. Dr. Scott also gives natural ideas for common ailments, like colds, allergies, sinus infections, and more, as well as detoxification from aerosol particulates, relief from gastrointestinal distress and depression. Things to avoid are also part of this article, such as sugar substitutes, aspirin and other laboratory concocted chemicals. Lots of healthy tips are in this article for staying healthy, vibrant, and aware.
Meditation: 100% COUNTERMEASURE for ‘Targets of Electronic Harassment by Leslie Oliver

Meditation: 100% COUNTERMEASURE for ‘Targets of Electronic Harassment by Leslie Oliver

This page is comprised of a paper written by Leslie Oliver that discusses using meditation as a way to not be affected by the electromagnetic radiation from systems like HAARP, et al, and an article about Mind Control in the UK and US written by Tim Rifat. Leslie talks about the changing of the body vibration to allow these negative frequency bands to flow through us, to even energize us, rather than ‘hitting’ us by staying in a vibrational pattern that ‘hardens’ us to this radiation. The discussion also expands to seeing what is being done to us from these radiation sources as ‘illusion’ and not believing they are real. As such, the negative effects of these vibrations can be mitigated by finding harmony within the body and mind. Tim Rifat’s article addresses mind control and related weaponry through the use of ELF radiation from pulse modulated microwave phone systems and more. The impetus for these weapons is laid out, as well as documentation of researchers who were funded by the UK’s Mi5 and the US’s CIA to design these weapons.


A web based calculator for estimating lower atmospheric magnetic properties is included on this page. By plugging values of electron density, ELF range, element and atomic mass number, and Van de Graaf spark length, this calculator estimates electromagnetic properties of the lower atmosphere, including predicted Whistler frequency, Alfven wave frequency, plasma frequency, lower atmospheric conductivity and more. Mathematical calculations for manually calculating these same values are included in a discussion also on this page.


Large numbers of colonies of mold have evolved during the incubation period in what is the second atmospheric test for molds discussed on this page. This second mold test (see the Carnicom paper on the first test titled ATMOSPHERIC MOLD IS ABUNDANT dated March 14, 2003) was conducted in a dry high desert environment on a day of low wind and clear skies. Mold propagation should be unsuitable under these conditions, yet there were at least 40 counted in this test. Molds are now classified as one of the leading causes of allergies, and almost all chronic sinus infections are a result of molds. Citizens may wish to act upon the health implications of these findings, as well as the documented increase that has occurred in the ailments mentioned above. It is hoped that additional testing will now begin by citizens in various locations, indoors and outdoors, to assess the extent and nature of this environmental condition. It appears likely that this test may be representative of the general state of affairs.