This work details a study performed on five subjects’ blood samples as a comparison to each other. Only one had outward symptoms of the Morgellon’s condition – skin sores, lethargy, etc. Though each of the other four subjects didn’t exhibit these traits, they still had anomalies in their blood, which images provided in this paper show. The use of a laser is again employed in these samples to give better detail to these abnormal changes in the subjects’ blood samples. Some questions raised at this point of the Morgellon’s research include the following: What exactly is the anomalous form that is being observed? Is there any relationship between the sub-micron granular nature of the blood anomalies with the apparent similar granular nature of the Morgellon's fiber as it has been previously observed and reported? Is there any relationship between this apparent sub-micron fibrous blood anomaly and the sub-micron fibrous nature of the Morgellon's condition? Is there any relationship to the airborne fibrous samples that have been refused by the Environmental Protection Agency for identification?


Several different fibers from the same subject (whose story about his suffering with the Morgellon's condition is included in this paper) were examined in the writing of this report. Those fibers are scrutinized under varying intensities of magnification under microscopes as well as under a laser light, and the results build on a previous paper of the internal structures of the observed fibers, biological natures of the fibers, the growths, or 'budding' characteristics of the fibers and more. Attention will be called again to meet some immediate requirements for identification and further examination.


After lengthy discussions with a citizen with Morgellons, Carnicom received carefully packaged fiber samples from this person for study. The subject has provided numerous samples to a medical doctor in the past but no specific response, descriptions, photos or analysis have apparently been provided in return. One of the goals of this paper is to provide the reader with a sense of scale of these fibers, and to show a progression from the original materials as they exist from the body to the highest magnification possible with Carnicom’s equipment. Initial photographs of the filaments show little detail, but are shown also with control photographs of hair and blood cells to give a sense of scale and measurement. Further higher power microscope images show that the fibers have a much more complicated internal structure than was discernible at low magnification. These additional images appear to show innumerable sub-fibers inside the major filament. Of particular concern is that in one of the photographs of greater translucency, internal, much smaller structures of elliptical form exist. This begins to strongly suggest a biological nature to the fibers. The last major discovery by observation at this point is what appears to a "budding" structure of some sort. These structures contain two further components within. The first of these are spherical or elliptical structures at the micron level within an encasing, translucent shell. In addition, innumerable fibers at the sub-micron level emerge from the budding structure.


A laboratory analysis of a rainwater sample from a rural location in the midwestern U.S. has been received by Clifford Carnicom, and reveals extremely high levels of potassium and calcium within the sample. Examination of the aerosol issue has, almost from the beginning, focused on the important properties of such elements of Groups I and II of the periodic table. The attention has arisen because of the ease by which such elements are ionized. This ionization will take place in the majority of cases quite readily with the energy available from ultra-violet light and, in some cases, from visible light alone. Candidates for further and future testing, include strontium, aluminum and titanium. A partial list of the effects of ion disturbances upon human health are discussed in this work, and include Impairment of the body's ability to absorb oxygen, the development of allergies, high levels of serotonin in the bloodstream, and a reduction in the body's ability to filter airborne contaminants from lung tissue. Direct research from this site alone now documents unexpected levels of calcium, magnesium, potassium and barium. The acquisition of an ion counter will be a valuable instrument to further this research; if anyone is in a position to provide or loan this device please feel free to contact Clifford Carnicom.


Current research involves a process of collection of atmospheric samples with the use of a plate ionizing filter from a citizen’s HEPA filter. This material is unusual in nature and is composed of two primary forms : fairly uniform fibrous and crystalline/powder materials. This material has been collected, placed into solution and subjected to electrolysis. A definite and repeatable chemical reaction does take place, which results in the formation of a highly insoluble precipitate. The best current analysis of that material positively identifies the existence of a metallic salt. The best analysis of the nature of that metallic salt is that of a barium compound which releases positive metallic ions in solution. In addition, direct visible observation of the precipitate under extremely high magnification detects the presence of reasonably uniform spherical sub-micron particulates within the electrolysis result. The specific gravity of these particulates is greater than that of water. Pictures of these samples are attached in this work.  It has long been postulated that the size of the aerosols under examination is in the sub-micron range, and that extremely high magnification will be necessary for detection. The size range of the aerosols has previously been estimated at approximately 0.5 microns in size as a result of atmospheric light effects; this conforms to the current observations.


Large numbers of colonies of mold have evolved during the incubation period in what is the second atmospheric test for molds discussed on this page. This second mold test (see the Carnicom paper on the first test titled ATMOSPHERIC MOLD IS ABUNDANT dated March 14, 2003) was conducted in a dry high desert environment on a day of low wind and clear skies. Mold propagation should be unsuitable under these conditions, yet there were at least 40 counted in this test. Molds are now classified as one of the leading causes of allergies, and almost all chronic sinus infections are a result of molds. Citizens may wish to act upon the health implications of these findings, as well as the documented increase that has occurred in the ailments mentioned above. It is hoped that additional testing will now begin by citizens in various locations, indoors and outdoors, to assess the extent and nature of this environmental condition. It appears likely that this test may be representative of the general state of affairs.


Clifford Carnicom reproduced the same results of previous ELF experiments using only the human body as an antenna, with the captured data included on this page) showing the same 4Hz multiples of artificial ELF radiation in the environment found in previous Carnicom papers (see THE EARTH IS THE ANTENNA paper dated March 18, 2003). Using a digital ohmmeter, Carnicom determined the area on the body with the lowest resistance was on the skull right behind the ears. He attached electrodes behind both ears as input to his ELF circuit, and showed that the human body was an extremely effective receptor and resonator of ELF frequencies.


An atmospheric test specific to mold detection has been conducted on March 10, 2003 in rural Santa Fe, New Mexico. The results appear to indicate a sufficient cause for concern, as a large number of colonies of several species of mold (Aspergillus, Penicillum, Cladosporium, and Rhizopus) have evolved during the incubation period in a dry high desert environment during a period of extended low moisture. Several species are shown in images on this page. There is clear and direct association between the abundance of mold and respiratory, allergic and asthmatic conditions in humans. It is hoped that additional testing will be commenced by citizens across the nation and globe using indoor and outdoor samples to assess the extent and nature of this environmental condition. Those knowledgeable in mycology are requested to offer their expertise in this matter.


After again conducting microscopic sessions upon particulates collected from an outdoor HEPA filter in Santa Fe, NM in 2002 and finding unexpected biological components, Carnicom further asks the professional community for input to his findings. Images from this series of analysis, as well as those from earlier tests are presented, as are links to the previous research papers showing very similar results to this analysis and a description of the collection process used to collect these samples. NOTE: After asking for input from the professional community for help in analyzing these samples, a citizen on the message board wrote giving input to the analysis that Carnicom has presented in this page. This person suggested that what Carnicom has been seeing in these samples is not bacteria, based on the fact that the samples were put into distilled water, and that red blood cells, when put in distilled water, will burst within seconds. The writer further claims that red blood cells are not ‘designed to live in a neutral environment’, but rather in salty environments, and that the samples look like pollen. Carnicom’s response to these claims is to seek further professional input. A main inconsistency in the citizen’s claims above include the fact that these appear to be altered (desiccated) blood cells, and such wouldn’t necessarily conform to the same reaction as normal red blood cells. Further modifications may have been applied to these cells as well, making them not susceptible to being destroyed by being placed in distilled water.


Further testing of air samples from Santa Fe, New Mexico provides positive visual identification of the presence of erythrocytes (red blood cells). The magnification in this analysis (approximately 5000x) makes the case that biological components are now a regular feature of the atmosphere that we all breathe. These red blood cells, along with the particulate matter in the air, make the case for realizing these aerosol programs are crimes of the highest order being perpetrated on innocent citizens.


Microscopy stills are attached in this paper from fiber samples that had been previously evaluated in an earlier Carnicom paper named BIOLOGICAL COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED that was published on May 11, 2000. Though a portion of this same fiber sample was sent to EPA Administrator Carol M. Browner six months prior to this paper, to date, Ms. Browner refuses to identify the material in this sample.