CONDUCTIVITY: The Air, The Water, and The Land

CONDUCTIVITY: The Air, The Water, and The Land

Clifford Carnicom discusses a series of conductivity tests conducted on recent heavy snowfall samples collected in New Mexico and Arizona in 2005, which have refocused attention on the electrolytic, ionic and conductive properties of environmental samples in connection with the aerosol operations. This report has been received and documents unusually high levels of calcium and potassium within a rain sample, where previous work has demonstrated unexpected levels of barium and magnesium. Discussion in this work ensues and outlines conductivity testing on these samples, where conductivity is a means to measure the ionic concentration within a solution. Conductivity is proportional to ionic concentration, and the results of this testing shows the increased conductivity of the atmosphere from having these salts dispersed in the aerosol operations. This discussion also describes the difficulty of performing conductivity testing because of the concept of 'ohmic heating', extrapolates the testing results to calculate the volume of these ionic salts within the regional atmosphere, and considerations to what the implications are of having these elements in our air, land and water.


A laboratory analysis of a rainwater sample from a rural location in the midwestern U.S. has been received by Clifford Carnicom, and reveals extremely high levels of potassium and calcium within the sample. Examination of the aerosol issue has, almost from the beginning, focused on the important properties of such elements of Groups I and II of the periodic table. The attention has arisen because of the ease by which such elements are ionized. This ionization will take place in the majority of cases quite readily with the energy available from ultra-violet light and, in some cases, from visible light alone. Candidates for further and future testing, include strontium, aluminum and titanium. A partial list of the effects of ion disturbances upon human health are discussed in this work, and include Impairment of the body's ability to absorb oxygen, the development of allergies, high levels of serotonin in the bloodstream, and a reduction in the body's ability to filter airborne contaminants from lung tissue. Direct research from this site alone now documents unexpected levels of calcium, magnesium, potassium and barium. The acquisition of an ion counter will be a valuable instrument to further this research; if anyone is in a position to provide or loan this device please feel free to contact Clifford Carnicom.


Clifford Carnicom discusses how history will eventually reveal that the United States Air Force is party to another set of falsehoods that attempt to conceal the nature of the aerosol operations, and how these aerosols have now dramatically altered the very nature of the atmosphere in ways that threaten our existence upon this planet. The first tactic of choice by the United States Air Force was an attempt to ridicule the issue by authoritatively declaring it as a "hoax." This complicity has forayed into the arena of brazen propaganda, and is being conducted by another arm of United States "authority", the National Atmospheric and Space Administration (NASA). NASA has recently adopted a public strategy of abusing its position of national and public service by attempting to indoctrinate the citizens, including children, that the aerosol operations are a "normal" and expected consequence of daily life and aircraft. NASA has recently adopted a public strategy of abusing its position of national and public service by attempting to indoctrinate the citizens, including children, that the aerosol operations are a "normal" and expected consequence of daily life and aircraft. Readers should note that a not-for-profit documentary, entitled "Aerosol Crimes" by Clifford E. Carnicom, is now available by visiting the Carnicom paper titled ’DOCUMENTARY FIRST EDITION IS AVAILABLE’ (dated December 20, 2004). This documentary may be copied in its entirety and freely distributed.


A model has been developed to depict the estimated increase in the mortality rate as a function of the decrease in visibility, and the results of this model in a graphical form are shown in this paper. It can be observed that mortality increases as visibility decreases, and that the effect is highly significant. This model does not consider the additional negative health effects that occur from the toxic nature of particulate matter. The American Heart Association establishes that an increase in the density of particulate matter will cause an increase in mortality. The expected increase is expressed in a differential form of an increase of 1% mortality of an increase of 10ug (micrograms) per cubic meter. Readers may want to also read the previous Carnicom paper related to this issue titled ’BARIUM TESTS ARE POSITIVE’ (dated May 24, 2004).


A concerned citizen has written to Clifford Carnicom regarding death statistics that were found in the San Francisco Chronicle death notice archives for the months January and February in the years 1995 - 2004. The anonymous citizen had wondered if deaths in these years were markedly different after the start of the aerosol programs. As it turns out, the deaths reported in this paper show the death rate for 2004 to be ten times that of the same months in 1995. Though there are shortcomings in this data (only the months January and February are considered, different reporting methods may have been employed in later years, an increasingly aging population, etc.), this data may be statistically significant in showing an increase in the number of deaths in San Francisco during that time from aerosol programs. The citizen makes the case for others to do the same research.


There is an indication that Clifford Carnicom’s phone has been tapped, based on anomalous and unusual phone activity that he has noticed discussed here. Carnicom also mentions his desire to make a video documentary on aerosol operations and associated research, eliciting video, pictures or other source material or documents for inclusion into this documentary by contacting him at


Certain news and media organizations, by virtue of their reputation and public service, have assumed a prominent role in investigating the critical issues of our times. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), for example, is accepted by many to provide impartial investigative journalism that has served the public interest well for decades. There are few news organizations that can now rightfully make the claim toward fulfilling journalistic integrity, and many of these have now been branded as the "alternative" media. One other journalistic service that is known to seek disclosure on critical issues is that of Democracy Now!, with Ms. Amy Goodman as the spearhead journalist. Democracy Now! (with a personal direct appeal to Ms. Goodman), has been contacted on three occasions during the past few months by two independent parties with a request to investigate the aerosol issue. No response of any kind has followed these appeals. No rationale for refusal of coverage on the aerosol issue has been relayed. No evaluation of the seriousness of the issue has been offered. In short, there is to date, no response.


This paper reveals that an operational term of "CLOVERLEAF" for the criminal aerosol operations that continue to be conducted without informed consent has been corroborated from numerous independent and unrelated sources extending over a period of several years. This term is therefore presented to the public as a credible avenue for research and investigation in the future.


The United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), Andrews Air Force base, has recently demonstrated an increased level of interest in the research that is available on that examines the aerosol operations. In this statement, the United States Air Force has established itself on record as stating that the aerosol operations are a "hoax", and that these same aerosol operations have been adequately investigated and refuted by both the media and academia of this country. The description of AFOSI is stated as follows: "The Air Force Office of Special Investigations is a field operating agency with headquarters at Andrews Air Force Base, Md. It has been the Air Force's felony-level investigative service since August 1, 1948. The agency reports to the Inspector General, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force."


An unidentified source has written to Clifford Carnicom about a meeting he had with a well-placed military source about at least one aspect of the aerosol programs, and makes significant claims about these operations. Assertions made by this source: - The aerosols programs are a joint effort by the Pentagon and pharmaceutical industry - The goal is to test biological diseases on an unsuspecting population - The bacteria and viruses sprayed are freeze dried and attached to fine filaments for dispersal - The metals released along with the diseases heat up from the sun, creating a perfect environment for the bacteria and viruses to thrive in the air supply - Most countries being sprayed are unaware of these programs - The ultimate goal is to control all populations through accurate and directed spraying of disease and drugs UPDATE - August 17, 2003 – The researcher who initially wrote to Carnicom above chimed in on the Carnicom web page to make further points about what has been revealed. Additional thoughts from this researcher include questioning why a top respiratory doctor told people on television not to exercise outside, and that respiratory disease has gone from eighth to fourth as a leading cause of death.


This page gives a link to HSV Technologies, Incorporated ( that details this company’s development of a laser beam weapon that can immobilize people and animals at a distance. A quote from the HSV website: “HSV Technologies Inc. of San Diego, California is developing a non-lethal weapon that uses ultraviolet laser beams to harmlessly immobilize people and animals at a distance. The Phaser-like device uses two beams of UV radiation to ionize paths in the air along which electrical current is conducted to and from the target. In effect, the beams create wires through the atmosphere wherever they are pointed. The current within these beams is a close replication of the neuro-electric impulses that control skeletal muscles…”


Clifford Carnicom reproduced the same results of previous ELF experiments using only the human body as an antenna, with the captured data included on this page) showing the same 4Hz multiples of artificial ELF radiation in the environment found in previous Carnicom papers (see THE EARTH IS THE ANTENNA paper dated March 18, 2003). Using a digital ohmmeter, Carnicom determined the area on the body with the lowest resistance was on the skull right behind the ears. He attached electrodes behind both ears as input to his ELF circuit, and showed that the human body was an extremely effective receptor and resonator of ELF frequencies.