We now have a puzzle before all of us. We are likely to have some of the pieces that make up the whole, but we must all work on putting the pieces together. Infrared spectrometry alone cannot do this; additional resources, execution and smart thought will be required. The earlier this puzzle is solved in detail, the better we will all be for it. I can only ask you to join in the crusade. Until that necessary level of understanding is achieved, I will continue to offer my own interpretations below. The discussion will progress through generalized structural interpretations, possible and projected health impacts, and the review of various strategies that may be worthwhile of consideration for mitigation of the anticipated and observed effects of the condition. It will again be emphasized and expressed that no medical advice or diagnosis is to be given here; each individual MUST pursue the counsel and advice of their own chosen health practitioner. The information provided here serves research purposes only.
Morgellons : A Working Hypothesis (Part I: Identification)

Morgellons : A Working Hypothesis (Part I: Identification)

It has been established, through rather painstaking processes over a period of several years, that primary constituents of the growth form are comprised of both iron and amino acids.  The methods to achieve this have been described in detail on previous reports.  The essence of impact to health has also been discussed at length, namely, that if these elements are used by the organism for its own growth then those same nutrients are being denied to the human host that supports the invasive growth.  Your iron is at the core of your respiration and hence of all energy transfer within your body; proteins are the structural framework that allows your body to exist and grow.  The absconding of both iron and amino acids (i.e., proteins) from the human body is by itself of sufficient damage to warrant a full and dedicated allocation of resources to this problem; this has not happened to date.  This information has, however, been very useful to develop an entire host of strategies to mitigate this damage and these have been discussed on this site.  There remains much to do.
Advances in Microscopy Blood  & Skin Filament Examinations – A Slide Show

Advances in Microscopy Blood & Skin Filament Examinations – A Slide Show

A maximum magnification that combines optical and digital means has recently been achieved. The development allows, under suitable conditions and sampling, a magnification of images at a reasonable resolution up to a level of approximately 18,000 power. This method has been applied to the examination of human blood samples as they relate to the “Morgellon’s” condition. A brief introduction to the results of this recent advance in microscopy that uses relatively limited means and equipment is presented below. Relevant topics of research that arise from the study include the more detailed appearance of the bacterial-like structure that has been studied extensively by this research. The degradation of the red blood cell exterior membrane is also clearly apparent. The rather striking appearance of white blood cells, their behavior with respect to the bacterial-like component, and the internal structures that are visible within the white blood cells are of high interest. The importance of an active immune system against the bacterial-like encroachment is immediately obvious. Introductory live-blood video analysis recently performed further emphasizes the importance of the relationship of the immune system to the Morgellon’s condition. This level of awareness and visibility on the Morgellon’s condition is a direct result of these recent advances in microscopy methods and techniques. The availability of more advanced equipment, should it become available, will accelerate this discovery process.
Environmental Filament : False Report

Environmental Filament : False Report

It is now appropriate to disclose the circumstances involving a laboratory report on an airborne filament sample that was paid for in the year of 1999. This report was issued jointly by three separate companies and they shall remain anonymous at this time. It is now appropriate to present this information as the conclusions of the report are undeniably false. Whether or not there was intent to misrepresent the facts of the case is not to be discussed in this paper; the purpose is to disclose information that is relevant to the public interest and welfare. The laboratory was hired and paid significant monies to analyze and identify the very same airborne environmental filament sample that was sent to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) during this same time period of 1999-2000. The failure of the EPA to identify that sample is adequately documented in this site. This report will chronicle the events that surround this affair.
Environmental Filament : Keratin Encasement

Environmental Filament : Keratin Encasement

It can now be established with a high degree of certainty that the external casing of the environmental filament samples are composed of keratin or a keratin-like material. This supposition has been in place for a number of years by this researcher; it can now be demonstrated to be the case by direct chemical and spectroscopic means. Certain ramifications of this finding, in conjunction with earlier work, are as follows:
Morgellons : Infrared Spectroscopy – Culture Confirmation

Morgellons : Infrared Spectroscopy – Culture Confirmation

An elderly, but wonderfully functional, Perkin Elmer 1320 infrared (IR) spectrophotometer has been acquired by the Carnicom Institute. This class of instrument has been sought after for many years by this researcher and organization. The value and purpose of an infrared spectrophotometer (along with other instruments as well) is that it can be used to gain insight into the molecular structure of organic compounds. This is a crucial need that has remained unfulfilled for many years in the biochemistry research that has taken place thus far. It is not an overstatement to realize that years of work can equivalently be accomplished with greater certainty and insight in relative moments of time with the proper instrumentation and resources. It is hoped that this equipment can be augmented or replaced with modern computer-based instrumentation at some point in the near future, however, the process of discovery at this important level can now begin.
Morgellons : The Breaking of Bonds and the Reduction of Iron

Morgellons : The Breaking of Bonds and the Reduction of Iron

Three methods that appear to interfere with the molecular bonding of the iron-dipeptide complex that is now understood to be characteristic of the "Morgellons" growth structure have been established and identified. The iron-protein complex is believed to be of, or similar to, the "Rieske Protein" (iron-sulfur) form. These three methods also appear to be variably successful in reducing the oxidation state of the encapsulated iron from the Fe(III) state to the Fe(II) state. The discovered methods involve the use of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) and glutathione. The results of applying glutathione appear to be especially promising at this time, as it appears that a major disruption in the bond structure has taken place after approximately 72 hours. The methods have been established and verified through visual, chemical and spectroscopic methods and each has an effect independent of the others. The hypothesis to be made here is that the growth of the organism itself may be interfered with as a result of this work.
Amino Acids Verified

Amino Acids Verified

The existence of certain amino acids, namely cysteine and histidine, as a dominant aspect of the "Morgellons" growth structure, appears to have been verified. This finding, along with that previously recorded on the important role that iron plays from a compositional standpoint, may be a highly important window into the structural framework of the Morgellons condition. It will also be found that deficiencies or disturbances of these particular amino acids correlate highly with symptoms that appear to frequently coexist with the condition, i.e., high oxidation levels and joint pains within the body.


Substantial evidence exists which proves not only the existence and presence of the "Morgellons" pathogen, but also how this organism uses iron from our blood for its proliferation and growth. This pathogen changes the iron in our blood from its ferrous form (Fe2+) to a ferric form(Fe3+). This change has a direct, negative impact on human health. The iron in human blood must be in the ferrous form in order for it to bind to the oxygen molecule. If our blood is not in this state then it will not bind to the oxygen molecule and human health will suffer. Proposed mitigation strategies are discussed.